Sunday, January 6, 2013

Games Planned For 2013

This week I want to give you an idea of what's lined up for 2013. I'll be running and playing ongoing games same as the last few years, and will also look to throw in some one-shots and demos of other games.With the blog being updated on sundays, a change you'll see starting next week is that I'll be posting about the game I'd played or ran the previous day. On non-gaming weeks the posts will be like those I've already done.

2013 will see my regular monthly "Call of Cthulhu" games continue, but with a major change. The setting this year won't be the classic 1920's era, instead I'm using the "Delta Green" campaign setting. "Delta Green" is set in the 1990's against a backdrop of government conspiracies (think of "The X-Files"). Player characters work for government agencies such as the FBI and CDC, but are secretly battling against the Cthulhu Mythos. It's a very popular setting and was primarily created to give players an ongoing reason to be in multiple investigations. I'm hoping that it will also suit my monthly meetup format,so if I have newcomers,one-timers and the occasional "no-show", the structure will make sense of it.The first session is next month and I have a large group signed up already.

The other ongoing game is "Dungeon World". Michael Bay is running the game, I'll be playing either a Warlock, Bard or Shaman. It uses the "Apocalypse World" engine but adapts it to a typical "Dungeons & Dragons" setting,so I'm very excited to see how this plays out.

Beyond that..the one-shots! First up is a game I'm running this coming saturday. It's called "My Life With Master" and is an extremely dark game. The style is very cinematic, like the 1930's Universal horror movies, the backdrop is an unnamed east European village in the early 1800's. I take on the role of "Master", a pure villain from gothic horror traditions. The players play the minions (think Igor or the brides of Dracula) who do Master's dirty work. All of the characters, including "Master", will be created together as a group on the day, and then we play the game as a series of scenes. The goal,ultimately, is for one of the minions to rise up against the tyranny and overcome "Master". To do this,the characters must build loving connections with the townsfolk....the same townsfolk that Master has them terrorizing! One thing that's distinctly different about this game is that it has inbuilt endgame conditions, depending on the statistics each player has at the end.

I also plan to revisit my favorite game, "Unknown Armies". I love the system and will do two one-shots...another run of "Jailbreak" and a different scenario. If I generate enough interest in this then an ongoing campaign is a strong possibility. I'd love to do it and I'm sure there is a fanbase out there for it.

Other one-shots will probably come in the form of "Changeling: The Lost", "Promethean: The Created", "Geist: The Sin-Eaters", "Mummy: The Cursed" and "Vampire: The Masquerade". These are all very good games and I don't see anyone else offering them. I also toyed with the idea of doing "Nephilim", as I do like the game and have a strong handle on the system. I have a feeling that "Mummy: The Cursed" will be very similar however, and more playable. If you're in the area and are interested in any of these, let me know!

Next weeks post will be a review of the "My Life With Master" gaming session.

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