Sunday, June 9, 2013

Delta Green - "Bang"..the Campaign Finale

Yesterday was the final chapter in my Call of Cthulhu "Delta Green" campaign. It was a five part story played with a truly great group (including +Tony Reyes and +Michael Bay ).

It was a short gaming session, lasting perhaps two hours, but it achieved what I wanted from it. The goal was to have a simple adventure that would give a solid ending to the campaign while also tying together the conspiracy threads from the previous sessions.

The basic story for this chapter involved one of the characters receiving a letter from the near future,from himself.The message told him that there'd been a nuclear incident arranged by Majestic 12, blamed on Delta Green operatives who were now being hunted down by Presidential decree. The message had instructions to record a conversation at a hotel between two of the leaders of Majestic 12, and to "take them out" before the nuclear incident could happen.

The group spent considerable time weighing up their options and trying to agree on a plan. A further revelation, was that Agent Selene had forged the letter from the future, something which she didn't share with the group. The group split between those doing surveillance in the hotel and some outside in vehicles. Some of the operatives had explosives in place.

There were several big reveals and twists along the way to total destruction of the hotel room. One was that MJ-12 was divided,with two leaders wanting to make money from selling alien technology, their plan being to blame a rival leader for the nuclear explosion and frame him as the Delta Green leader. Another was that the explosion was caused by the linking of two portals, tied together in the hotel room. One portal led to the nuclear plant, the other led back in time to the church in Fredricksberg.The explosions triggered by the team in the second chapter of the campaign to kill the Tindalosion Hound had literally blasted through into the present, firing from one portal into another and triggering the nuclear disaster. Some of the players had stepped into the church itself and faced instant death, the others managed to escape.

The final scene had two of the escapees,including Agent Selene, meeting the new leader of Majestic-12 and the President.They reveal themselves to be Yith observers who have been pulling strings the entire time to analyze human decision making. Selene is now possessed by a Yith and her first task is to forge a letter in the hand of a team mate, which will be sent back in time to see how it plays out...

I really enjoyed running this and introducing much of my own material.It was the first time I'd run a tightly focused short campaign with a distinct beginning and end, which I think was more satisfying for everyone involved.It's definitely the format I'll be using for future games.Time to prepare for "Vampire:The Requiem" and "Trail of Cthulhu".

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